Our Life Cycle Analysis
Embarking on the journey of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analysis demands a comprehensive understanding of various factors influencing sustainability.
Fiber Foods and our partners can help you with this process, leveraging extensive experience gained through developing our value chain centred around our dehydrated jackfruit PrimeJack®️.
Below, you will find the results of our LCA process for our dehydrated jackfruit.
We performed this Life Cycle Analysis with the support of the research group SAM BV. They also provided us with a calculation model to help us monitor our progress.
Our full report is available upon request from our impact officer.
We now know where we stand:
0,34 KG CO2 per 1 KG PrimeJack®.

A few conclusions: 1. 0,34 KG CO2 emission is very low. Especially compared to meat:
beef = between 15 -30 KG
pork = between 5 - 12 KG
chicken = between 3 - 6 KG
And also compared to:
TVP = approx. 10 KG
(according to Quorn)
And also compared to:
Field bean and Fava bean isolate,
which is between 2,6 - 2,8 KG
(according to Bean me up)
This is a fantastic starting point on our way to carbon neutral!
2. An important factor in the PrimeJack® supply chain is the low emissions of the production of the fresh jackfruit. Fiber Foods only source from smallholder farmers who pick the unripe jackfruits from existing shade trees in their agroforest.
No fertilizer, no equipment, no water needed to grow the jackfruit. The more you pick the more the tree will produce. By picking the young jackfruits the other jackfruit from the same branch will grow bigger.
3. Zooming in to the data we see that the highest CO2 emissions are generated by:
A. Container transport from Mombasa to Rotterdam
B. Electricity use of the drying process in the factory in Kenya
C. The jackfruit waste during production (this is 30% peel of the jackfruit)
D. The use of boda (motorbikes) from farmer to collection point
Based on the results we have designed our journey towards carbon neutral.
Read here our plans:
Our data from march 2024