Fiber Foods is a social enterprise. We create side chains for farming communities, en-hancing their financial stability and resilience to climate change.
We create economic opportunities close to
the source and promote regenerative food

Fiber Foods contributes to :
SDG 1: Farmers gain extra income and a fair price for an undervalued crop that often goes to waste.
SDG 5: We built a gender sensitive value chain and create opportunities for women and girls.
SDG 8: We foster economic growth in the agricultural sector and create decent jobs for a fair wage.
SDG 12: We foster eating less meat and promote sustainable food systems.
Where are we now?
2022 – 700 farmers
2023 – 1500 farmers
2024 - 3000 farmers
2025 – 6000 farmers
We currently have 30% female farmers in our system and strive to have at least 50% by 2025.
To achieve our impact targets Fiber Foods and her partners established sourcing principles:

harvest from
family farmers

focus on

fair price